Vladimir Volosov
Vladimir Volosov recently moved to America. He was born in 1937 in St. Petersburg.
He is Doctor of Science, Professor, winner of the State Prize, author of more than
100 scientific articles. At the threshold of his fifties, he decided to live one more life,
a new alluring life of the free artist.
He walked away from his established scientific career and completely devoted himself to painting.
Over the last 25 years he have authored over 1000 paintings (oil on canvas), and have had numerous
personal exhibitions in Russia,Europe and the US. Main direction of his painting
- lyrical realism and abstract compositions.
After the historic collapse of Berlin Wall, in 1993-1994 he participated in a very important exhibition
of German, Jewish and Russian artists “Zwei Welten- Eine Kunst” – “Two Worlds - One Art".
This exhibition traveled all over Berlin and its neighborhoods and was aimed at uniting the cultures
of the Western World and Post-communist countries.
Volosov’s works are currently held in galleries and private collections in Russia, USA, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Israel, and Japan.
Awards and Prizes
2004 - Membership in Russian Derzhavin's Academy of ArtTestimonies.
"I’m glad to be acquainted not only with your works, but also with you
personally - à man of extraordinary destiny".
Anatoly Sobchak, Mayor of St. Petersburg
"I wish Vladimir Volosov to remain himself, contrary to fashion, not listening to 'wise' advice.
Having selected the life of an artist at an already-mature age requires bravery to be true to oneself."
M. German, Professor, art critic, member of International Association of Critics
"One can find, though rarely, people for whom to live one life is not enough. And they manage to live several lives within the same God-given amount of time...
On Vladimir Volosov. «Bisiness of St.Petersburg», Boris Mazo
Courage of the Choice
Vladimir Volosov is an artist of uncommon fate. A well-known and mature scientist, he left science for the sake of painting,and with amazing
persistence, with ardent love to the new trade began to paint pictures.
He painted and he paints with a rare spontaneity, with joy of a person discovering the beauty of nature, its eternal secrets, riddles of light,
space, fogs, reflexes, finding its new charm and attempting to express his feelings on canvas.
He paints what he sees, not aspiring to separate himself from his impressions, not being fascinated by either classical schemes, or
fashionable complicatedness. Hissuccess is based on a simple human desire to recognize on his canvas the familiar, beloved nature,
as seen by an artist who never tires of admiring it.
However, recently beneficial doubts have increasingly made their way into the thoughts of the artist, with former serenity and tranquility
sometimes replaced by excited search for new expression, new individuality, for a more active dialog with the modern artistic vision.
All this causes deepest respect. The newly discovered youth in this artist promises happy surprises for all his fans and admirers.
Prof. Mikhail GERMAN